Химическая промышленность Казахстана: государственное регулирование

Уалиева Назерке Куатжановна,
Силезейский технологический университет,
Польша, г.Гливице
Берекеева Айпара Берекеевна,
Общеобразовательная школа-лицей №60,
Казахстан, г.Астана,
Chemical industry of Kazakhstan: stateregulation

In chemical branch of Kazakhstan updating and harmonization of technical regulations and standards is required, to carry out modernization of the state standards.
Keywords: technical regulations, standards, chromatography and spectrometry Аннотация                                                                           

В химической отрасли Казахстана требуется обновление и гармонизация технических регламентов и стандартов, провести модернизацию государственных эталонов.

Ключевые слова: технические регламенты, стандарты, хроматография и спектрометрия.

One of the important legislative instruments in chemical industry is the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About chemical production security», which was accepted in the 21stof July 2007. Itregulates, according to international standards, all production, transportation, certification and chemical goods application security norms, establishes law basis of chemical production security supplement human life and healthprotection, environmental protection and consumer interests protection all over republic territory.

The legislator classified types of hazards, categories and toxicological properties of chemicals, as well as specific impact on health of the people and on environment and distributed thepowers between authorized bodies and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their forms and checking schedule, their levels, legislator entered and described such norms, as the main requirements on safety of chemical goodsduring production, transportation, storage, using, marking, maintenance personal security, obligation of registration of chemical production, a risk assessment.

A globalization and integration processes are conducting around the world and Kazakhstan cannot stay apartfrom these tendencies. In connection with joining WTO there is a regular process of unification of regulations base and technical regulations and standardsaccording to international standards. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About accession and ratification of Rotterdam Conventionby Kazakhstan on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade» was ratified by Parliament.

By accepting of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Abouttechnical regulations» the process of transition to international system of technical regulation, technical orders and standards in this field have started working actively, which allows to combine a turnover of goods and services in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the international market.

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