Career opportunities for a pharmacist

Балтачева Елена Валентиновна / Baltacheva Elena Valentinovna – студент;

Семакин Павел Алексеевич / Semakin Pavel Alekseevich – студент,

факультет очного обучения,

Пермская государственная фармацевтическая академия, г. Пермь

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены возможности профессионального роста провизора. Путем рассуждений определены главные направления данной профессии, востребованность и перспективы дальнейшего развития.

Abstract: this article deals with the opportunities for professional growth of a pharmacist. The principals of the profession, its demand and prospects for further development are identified through reasoning.

Ключевые слова: провизор, медицинский представитель, аптека, лекарственные препараты.

Keywords: pharmacist, medical representative, pharmacy, medicinal products.

Pharmacist as a professional in the field of medicinal products can work in the following industries: wholesale and retail sales, manufacturing, scientific research, quality control and standardization of medicinal products, leading research and teaching activities in the field of pharmaceutical education. But over the past years, the most popular experts are considered to be the ones working in the field of pharmaceutical marketing (specialization in Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical Practice).

Specializations in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, and pharmaceutical technologies which have somehow lost their popularity after the changes of pharmaceutical structure (and mass closure of industrial pharmacies), are gaining momentum again, as they are becoming more popular in the newly opened production facilities of medicinal products, in the processes of research, as well as other areas: cosmetic industry, toxicological and analytical laboratories, etc. It should be noted that scientific research in the field of medicinal products is quite rare type of activity for a pharmacist since working in a chemical laboratory and cosmetic industry requires additional long-term training.

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Career opportunities for a pharmacist