Career opportunities for a pharmacist

The main purpose of a medical representative, that is informing doctors and pharmacists about new medicinal products, their properties, advantages, test results, recent studies in a particular field of medicine, is often forgotten nowadays among the controversy and doubts.

Work of a pharmacist is a promising type of professional activity since it allows combining a variety of skills and expanding the boundaries of the profession. Classical scheme of the career of a pharmacist is moving up the leadership ladder: pharmacist - head of the department at the pharmacy - senior pharmacist - head of the pharmacy. It is a hard work coupled with the analysis of huge amount of medical information involving daily contact with people.

Modern pharmacy is a cluster of innovations, which in itself cannot perform solely the function of medical supplies for the population, as it is not economically viable. That is why a pharmacy in a competitive environment requires not only pharmacists with classical pharmaceutical education, but also specialists in other fields related to pharmaceutical disciplines. This fact can be comprehended in different ways. On the one hand, the pharmacist must acquire new skills, which does not evoke positive emotions among all of the employees. On the other hand, knowledge related to the pharmaceutical discipline can become the basis for a new specialty, career and professional growth. Another aspect should be noted as well: this "collateral" training allows keeping the specialists with pharmaceutical education within the professional range, which is critical under the current conditions of the brain drain from pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.


  1.      Зорина О., Шитова Т., Харченко Г. Возможности профессионального роста провизора: классические и новые решения [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 23.11.14.

Теги: pharmacist  for  opportunities  career  

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Career opportunities for a pharmacist